Timothy Dunlap – white, age unknown (re-sentence after an appellate reversal)

Sentenced to death in Caribou County, Idaho
By: A jury
Date of crime: October 1991
Prosecution’s case/defense response:  Dunlap was convicted of the murder of Tanya Crane, a bank teller he shot at close range while robbing the bank where she worked. Ten days prior to the robbery and murder, he killed his girlfriend, Belinda Bolanos, in Ohio, for which he also received a death sentence. Dunlap was granted a new sentencing hearing because the Idaho Supreme Court found procedural mistakes were made after his guilty plea was entered.
Prosecutor(s): S. Criss James  Defense lawyer(s):  unknown
Sources:  Spokesman Review 12/1/04, State of Idaho Office of Attorney General Press Release 2/23/06